1st Friday Mass: February 7, 2025
Most Holy Redeemer, 100 Diamond Street, San Francisco, CA
February 15, 2025 - NCRC Dinner Dance Fundraiser- St. Robert Church, Menlo Park, CA
March 8, 2025 - 37th Annual FCCC Seminar St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, CA

Recorded Videos Holy Spirit Conference - 2024

Fr. Leo Patalinghug and Deacon Steve Greco's dynamic presentations during the just concluded Spirit filled 27th Holy Spirit Conference in San Francisco's Cathedral of St. Mary the Assumption stirred a spiritual revival amongst the attendees, inspiring them to seek a deeper relationship with God and spread His message with renewed enthusiasm.


Congratulations to all the commissioned Officers of the Filipino Catholic Charismatic Communities of the Archdiocese of San Francisco for the year 2025-2026 led by their re-elected Head Coordinator Sis. Tess Garza.
More work to do in the vineyard of our Lord Jesus Christ!
To God be the glory and praise.

Congratulations to all the re-elected Executive Officers of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Board of the Archdiocese of San Francisco for the year 2023-2026 led by Bro. Danny Garza (Chairman), Sis. Sally Yeo (Vice Chair), Sis. Tess Garza (Secretary), Bro. Jose dela Torre (Finance) and Bro. Romy Arellano (Treasurer).
We also would like to acknowledge and compliment all new members of the CCR Board as well. More work to do in the vineyard of our Lord Jesus Christ!
To God be the glory and praise.

Fruitful Corner
September 20, 2024
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
Jesus journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. Accompanying him were the Twelve and some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities… Lk. 8:1-2
Our gospel reference today formed part of the beginning of Jesus’ preaching ministry in which He proclaimed that God is not a judging and punishing God, but a loving and forgiving God Who wants to save mankind through His Son Jesus.
As Jesus preached the Good News, he was accompanied by the 12 and some women who helped his ministry by their voluntary service and financial assistance. These different women volunteers were all attracted by the person and message of Jesus, who proclaimed the Gospel by word and deed and by his communal and shared life with his disciples.
The women came up with Jesus to Jerusalem. Going up to Jerusalem means more than just a physical journey. It is a spiritual journey that leads to the Cross and the Resurrection. It means preparing yourself to die with Jesus. It means walking alongside Jesus and walking in the light.
The choice of these first followers to abandon all and follow Jesus invites us to examine the extent to which we have committed our lives to following Him also. Among the many people who heard Jesus preach, there were undoubtedly various responses.
Some rejected Him, others were intrigued by Him, others believed in Him but were not willing to become His disciple, and some did commit themselves wholeheartedly to Jesus and His mission of proclaiming good news. For the latter, the good news they heard changed their lives.
What is your response to our Lord? One good way to properly answer this question is to examine the amount of time and energy you have committed to our Lord and His message of good news. How much time have you spent reading His holy Word, praying to Him, speaking about Him and learning the faith that He has taught?
How much does His message affect the decisions you make in life? Being a Christian is not something we can compartmentalize. We cannot have our “faith time” a few moments of each week and then spend the rest of our time on other activities. True, our days will be filled with many activities that are simply normal parts of our lives.
We all have duties and responsibilities that occupy much of our days. But being “all in,” means that Jesus and His message permeates everything we do. Even our ordinary daily activities such as work, chores, and the like must be done for God’s glory and in accord with His divine will.
Reflect, today, upon the extent that you have consecrated every part of your life to our Lord and His mission. Doing so does not necessarily require that you become a public evangelist, spend all day at Church or the like. It simply means that Jesus and His mission are invited into everything you do every day all day. We can never serve our Lord fully enough the extent of our commitment matters.
Lord Jesus, You are on a mission to save souls and to build up Your glorious Kingdom. I thank You for inviting me to not only become transformed by Your holy Word but to help spread that Word to others. My life is Yours, dear Lord. Please enter into every part of my daily life and use me for Your glory. Jesus, I trust in You.
Saint of the Day
Mission Statement
As a lay organization, the mission of the Charismatic Renewal is:
- To help all people come to know the love of God in their lives as demonstrated through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
- To help our brothers and sisters respond to God's love by loving God in return through a commitment to serve Christ and His Church.
- To assist them to listen and follow the movement of the Holy Spirit at work in their lives.
- To help our brothers and sisters recognize the ministry that God has called them to, and accept the gifts that God desires to bestow upon them for His work in our Church and in our world.
- To lead them to a New Life offered to us by the Holy Spirit.